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Live in Peace (L.I.P) is a philosophy aimed to serve as a substitute of the anachronistic R. I. P that focused its attention on life after death. It is personal freedom, individual responsibility and tolerance of differences. It is about respect, dialogue, peace and love, compassion, honesty and intuition. 

L.I.P focuses on the singularity of each being in its oneness with all universes, times and spaces. It is pure passion, inner essence and sincere life. Let all be one, each individual be happy and experience the true sense of love. 


The series of ebooks Proverbs L.I.P by Nostraamandamus is out to purchase online at Smashwords .

Get your own copy of Proverbs, where you will find positive affirmations and mantras about Love and Live, for only $3 AUD.


To the best Nostraamandamus knows, the published material in the series Proverbs L.I.P is original. If any of the sayings have been previously published exactly as they appear in any of the books, the author will be happy to remove them upon request.


From R.I.P to L.I.P.





Ebook Proverbs L.I.P out to purchase on smashwords only $3 AUD (best download pdf) at


Sometimes life needs no explanation, but it's often useful to be reminded of certain ideas that can touch one's heart and sink one's soul nearer to the Earth and beyond Heaven. 


Dream, love, last, but most of all, live in peace (L.I.P). 



Ebook Pure Proverbs L.I.P out to purchase on smashwords only $3 AUD (best download pdf) at


Inspirational proverbs and sayings, which can lead one to reflection, personal introspection and enlightenment in a wise way. Land, laugh, leave, but most of all, live in peace (L.I.P).


Live Life and Love remain the three sections of this second book, part of the series Proverbs L.I.P. The layout is set in an alphabetical order intended for an easier contemplation.



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